DR LOGO 2015

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Some photos taken by DR missionary, Mitch Martinez

I stumbled upon these photos taken by Mitch Martinez, missionary in the DR, who is hosting our group on Facebook tonight!  What an awesome testimony to see how these youth are serving some of the most underserved populations in the DR...the Haitians!

Here's a little bit more information about the building our team is helping to construct:

"It was a year and a half ago when with a two thousand dollar donation we were able to help in the start of a Haitian school in La Vega.  You can see the impact of this program on the smiling faces of the forty children that regularly attend the program.  These are children who without the school would be either closed up in their homes while their parents worked or else out on the streets with no supervision.  Often they speak no Spanish, have no legal papers to attend public school, and cannot afford the uniforms to attend the public school. Their future would be bleak.  But they have hope now."
-Mitch Martinez, Dominican Happenings

You can read more from Mitch at his blog, where he details the work he and his wife, Debbie, are doing in the DR.  For more info on the Rose of Sharon education center, click here.

Oh, and here's a video of them hard at work!

Keep praying for this team!  


  1. I am in awe of the work that this team is doing....This is so "out of the realm" of what their lives in the USA are like. It must be a very humbling experience for all of them because of how much we all take for granted living in the USA. A building we walk into and don't have to build ourselves which is a sanctuary for comfort, peace and safety.......how we take such things for granted. No amount of sweat, dirt, or concrete on your clothes or in your hair will erase how grateful these people will be for what you have helped to accomlish. You are an amazing group of young people......every teenager should have this experience and be able to apreciate how fortunate they are. God bless you all....keep up your strength to accomlish more good things....This is the reason you are there!

  2. I'm very proud of all of you. What a great experience to see a great need and to work to fulfill it. Looks like you worked very hard. Stay safe in the approaching storm. I'm praying for you.

  3. It was awesome to see the whole team in Mitch's pictures! Thanks for posting them!
    You are doing an amazing job! The smiles on your faces even though you are covered in dirt and sweat is so thrilling to see--your servant hearts shine through the dirt. Go team!
    We are praying for you and it's so amazing to hear what God is doing already. Stay safe in the coming storm!
    Love you all!
    --Mom McElwee

  4. I am exhausted for you since you don't seem to have time to be tired!
    Hey, I finally got to see a picture of Pastor Eran working... I was wondering for a bit, lol. I love you Eran.... thanks for taking our kids on this wonderful spiritual, emotional and physically beneficial trip. Something to always remember.

  5. Though you all should be exhausted after this long day of work you still look as happy and energized as ever! God must definitely be working with you all there! (:

    P.S. All the girls are dirtier than everyone else hahah they must be doing all the real hard work, you'll have to tell justin to break a nail or two he looks a little bit too clean ;)

  6. This is good stuff. I love SEEING the tangible results a team leaves behind, something that defines the struggle and difficulty while ultimately yielding a triumph. We can feel the blistering sun, the splinters and dry concrete skin through these pictures ( I can also smell the stank sweat). Its crazy to see the lack of power tools and heavy equipment support at such a big job site, but remember; every cinder block you lift, every batch of concrete you mix is another one a kid won't have to do for himself.



Hey! Thanks for stopping by....
Leave us a comment and we'll get it and share it with the whole team while we're on our trip.
Thanks so much for all of your prayers and support!