DR LOGO 2015

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Pictures from today's church service.

We had a great morning. We have two afternoon services coming up after lunch.

Some if our team are getting pretty and slightly sick. Please pray.


  1. Hey Rachel and Rebekah.... Missing you terribly, but so excited to see you grow in the Lord. I know that the trials that this trip has you go through is for your growth and His future use in you. We have been watching the blog every day. Your little sisters are looking forward to following in your footsteps. Bek, if you bring home something little, cute and dark in your suitcase we'd welcome it.. ur..he..she ;-) Rach, we had so much fun driving your car with the sun roof open! Don't worry, Dad refilled the tank.
    Saving raspberry cobbler for you!
    Love, Mom

  2. Looks like things are going well! So proud of all the students and leaders on the trip. Praying for you all. :)

    Mark, I know that there aren't many pictures of you because you're the one taking them all, but I'll bet you look as handsome as ever :D I miss you oh so much and cannot wait to take you out to dinner and go to Starbucks and hear all about the trip. Enjoy the resort, and text your mom when you get a chance! She misses you too. I love youuuuuu <3

    (Sorry that anyone else had to read that) ;) Praying for the team these last few days. STAY HYDRATED!!

  3. God gives you strength when yours is depleted!!! Keep up the awesome work you guys---so proud of you. Tell Nicole I miss her terribly but proud of her tremendously!

  4. Hello Team~ Well, 2 more days and you'll be back in PA. I know that God has used all of you in ways that you can't even begin to imagine in the DR. And I know that He has used the DR to touch YOU in ways that you never thought possible!!
    I am concerned by the post that says some of you are getting sick!! Please know that we are praying, asking GOD to please heal you and make you well. Thoughts and prayers to all of you!!! Cant wait to have you all back safe and sound!

  5. We are missing you, Dylan. Can't wait to hear all about the trip when you get home. We'll pray that the team gets better and comes home healthy.

  6. Really missed you today, Morgan, Alexis, and Karina.
    Josh, I keep looking for you! I guess having two people missing (you and your dad or you and Matthew) is easier for me to handle. I really miss you! We especially missed you for family fourth! I look forward to seeing on Tuesday Night!!!
    McElwee movie night was very empty...but the basement has been reconfigured for more seating and ready for a new coat of paint! Looking forward to a full basement again.
    Make sure you all drink plenty of water! A lot of times it's because you are dehydrated and don't realize it that our bodies start to shut down. Praying for a special touch from The Lord and rapid recovery. He holds you all in His mighty hand!
    You are amazing, team. We cannot get enough of the photos! Thank you, Mark for all the great shots! It is your smiles that tells it all, team! I am so grateful for this opportunity for each one of you!
    Josh, I'll clean your room tomorrow....be prepared to keep it that way! My apologies to Josh's roommates this week! I hear he is pretty messy away from home, too. Love you, Buddy! Looking forward to having you home again.

  7. I think many of us back home here are concerned over the comment of the team starting to get sick (pretty and slightly).....please know that we care our concern to Jesus! Praying fervently for healing....and praying some more. I can recall getting sick in China while adopting Mariah....and it was not pretty. I feel for you who are sick and out of compassion (having had my experience), I will continue to pray until I hear you are all well!! You are all children of the One True God....He has you all in His hand. Have a beautiful and blessed day at the resort soaking up the sun (use your sunscreen and stay hydrated), resting, and playing. Love you Morgan and cannot wait to wrap my arms around you.
    Momma Wit

  8. Praying for everyone to get well. We are all concerned. Been missing you this week Chris. Didn't want to tell you until now because I didn't want you to miss us back. :) Love yo Bud!!! Can't wait until tomorrow night


  9. RL Mission Team, I along with others continue to pray for each of you - that God will use your work to further the Kingdom of God and that God will work in each of your hearts - drawing you onto himself. Like other comments I am concerned for those not feeling well - I pray that God will heal you and will give you strenght for the trip tomorrow. I am excited to see and hear you are home safely. Mike we especially miss you and look forward to seeing you. I also pray especially for the leaders of this team that God continues to renew your strenght. Blessing - looking forward to your return home. Sue V


Hey! Thanks for stopping by....
Leave us a comment and we'll get it and share it with the whole team while we're on our trip.
Thanks so much for all of your prayers and support!