DR LOGO 2015

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Let's do this!!!!


  1. Hello Everyone!!
    Just wanted to share a quote that someone had posted on FB last night and it came to mind when I looked at the pics. "You have never really lived until you have done something for someone that can NEVER pay you back"
    I pray that today God is with you in every paint stroke, every drop of sweat and every smile that comes across your faces today.
    Prayers and love to you guys!!
    One more thing~ Watch out for Liv, she has some mad painting skills!! :)
    Love and miss you Liv!

  2. Wow! I can feel the excitement. So proud of this team. As you work, pray. Fill their home and yard with God's word.

    It is 10:30 a.m. on a beautiful sunny summer day. Do you know where your kids are? Yes! God is using them to make a difference in another country.

  3. Hi Gang! It is 11:30 a.m.----What a "fierce, energetic, happy, motivated team". Just checked the weather in Los Rieles--33 degrees Celsius = 91.4 degrees Fahrenheit with possibile thunderstorms...HOPE THE PAINT DRIES BEFORE THE RAIN COMES, but at least God will cool you off with a free shower and revive you to finish your work! Also looked at the DR map and you sure are getting around--you now are at the top of the island! Hope all goes well when you get to Santiago this afternoon----hope you all are taking LOTS of pictures!

  4. Hey everyone, looks like your ready to go into action.So proud of all of
    you. All the prayers going out for you must be working. You all look Great!!
    Hey Pastor Eran...What did you put in their pancakes this morning???? : This team
    looks like they're on a mission to accomplish anything!!!


Hey! Thanks for stopping by....
Leave us a comment and we'll get it and share it with the whole team while we're on our trip.
Thanks so much for all of your prayers and support!